July 22nd: message from the General Representative Mestre

| July 22, 2023

Photo: Cícero Alexandre Lopes.

On this special date, the UDV Blog publishes a message from the General Representative Mestre, José Carlos Garcia*, in celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the União do Vegetal. 

My dear brothers and sisters:

On this very important date of July 22, 2023, when we celebrate 62 years of the União do Vegetal, I express my feelings of gratitude and recognition to Mestre Gabriel: a true, just, loving, kind and simple man, who honored his word, among his many other moral and spiritual qualities and virtues, which are demonstrated to us by his practice and straight doctrination.

Mestre Gabriel, a Man Conscious of his Mission, went to the Amazon, not only to work as a “rubber tapping soldier”, but also in search of a Treasure, which he found in the rubber plantations. And on July 22, 1961, in a Session of the Vegetal, on the border between Brazil and Bolivia, he announced the creation of the União do Vegetal.

Through firmness in purpose, among which includes his search for peace, Mestre Gabriel encountered this Treasure that is the União do Vegetal. And through his kindness and love, as we become more aware of our mission, we receive this Treasure in our lives more each day. We can feel the preciousness and value of his teachings, which are true pearls for a greater understanding of spirituality.

Thanks to the Mestre’s kindness with us, we have the opportunity to commune with the Vegetal in our rituals. We have no doubt that its effect has power in our lives, as it has the ability to guide our steps, guide our thoughts and lead our feelings towards goodness.

Among so many teachings, the União do Vegetal preaches about the practice of good, faithful to Mestre Gabriel’s original principles, showing the importance of developing in ourselves this virtue that is reflected in “serving”, regardless of the hierarchical degree within the structure of our religion. This practice reveals the reality, transparency, clarity, reliability, and certainty of what there is on the Path of God.

In this way, the teachings of Mestre Gabriel were and continue to be the foundation for the conduct of good – this renewing force whose origin comes from the Heights and that, through the infinite kindness of our Superior Father, grants us the opportunity to be here experiencing transformation as we seek to be better. Let us watch and pray, always wishing everyone well and with each one of us being responsible for our own practice.

At this moment, I pay homage to Mestre Gabriel’s family for their importance since the beginning of the União do Vegetal. I also want to pay my respects to all of Mestre Gabriel’s disciples who are no longer with us on this plane. Important people who had their participation for the growth of this Sacred Work.

I wish happiness to all the associates of the Center for being part of this story. And may we all renew hope for better days, always remembering that the Mestre watches over all of us.

My wish is for us confirm our commitment to Mestre Gabriel, as we continue contributing to his Work, and for the União do Vegetal to continue being this Fortress of the Mestre, where we can come together with tranquility, transparency, loyalty, and good spiritual values.

Happy July 22nd!

José Carlos Garcia 

MGR (1)

*José Carlos Garcia is the General Representative Mestre of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal. 

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