Peace and friendship around the world

Giuliano Villa Nova*

July 18, 2022

Every 15 days, fathers and mothers of families, good men and women, young people, and children go to the Nucleos or to the Authorized Distributions of Vegetal (DAV) that they frequent. There, in a peaceful atmosphere, these people share life with one another, socialize and connect with their Spiritual Guide, Mestre Gabriel, through the ritual of the Sessions. All with the thought of knowing more about the teachings of the União do Vegetal, participating in the activities, helping each other, and providing their share of collaboration for the development of this Work.

These characteristics are part of the identity of the entire irmandade of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal, which, on this date of July 22, 2022, is present in every state in Brazil and in ten other countries – United States, Canada, Portugal, Spain, Australia, Switzerland, Italy, Holland, England and Peru –, with 209 Centers and 26 DAVs.

This week, in which the UDV completes 61 years since it was founded, the UDV Blog pays tribute to the irmandade of the União that is present in the 1st Region of North America and the 1st Region of Europe and Oceania, who continuously work for the causes of the Center. For this, we display a historic gallery of images, which shows a little of the joy and friendship that unites brothers and sisters of different nationalities around the planet.

We also pay tribute to the work carried out by the irmandade in Brazil, symbolized by Nucleo Mestre Gabriel – Historic Headquarters, from where the UDV expanded to Manaus – AM, São Paulo – SP, Salvador – BA, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brasília – DF and dozens of other cities. May everyone feel the positive energy of this Day of Peace and Reconciliation, as is already celebrated in some locations, and radiate good to the whole world.

Long live July 22nd! Long live Mestre Gabriel!

  • Nucleo Mestre Gabriel, Porto Velho (RO), Brazil.

  • Nucleo Mestre Gabriel, Porto Velho (RO), Brazil.

  • Nucleo Jardim Florescendo, EUA.

  • Nucleo San Francisco, EUA.

  • DAV Hawai, EUA.

  • Nucleo Grande Esperança, EUA.

  • DAV Vancouver, Canadá.

  • Nucleo Sagrada União, EUA.

  • Nucleo San Miguel, EUA.

  • Nucleo Claridade Divina, EUA.

  • Nucleo Santa Fé, EUA.

  • DAV South Florida, EUA.

  • DAV Montreal, Canadá.

  • DAV Holanda, Holanda.

  • DAV Itália, Itália.

  • Nucleo Inmaculada Concepcion, Espanha.

  • Nucleo Luz Boa, Portugal.

  • Nucleo Sagrado Poder, Suiça.

  • DAV Reino Unido, Inglaterra.

  • Nucleo Valência, Espanha.

  • Nucleo Luz da Natureza, Austrália.

  • DAV Cusco, Peru.

*Giuliano Villa Nova is a member of the Cadre of Mestres of Nucleo Tucunacá (11ª Região) and Assistant Director of the DMC-DG.

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