UDV Sessions continue suspended until May 12th

| May 1st, 2020.

General Headquarters | Photo: Juliane Oliveira.

In a meeting on April 29th, the Council of the General Representation of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal decided to maintain the suspension of Sessions and in-person activities until May 12th. The suspension began on March 19th of this year to attend to the guidelines of public health authorities in combating COVID-19.

At the meeting, measures were also analyzed for the gradual return to activities in places where the states and city halls will allow. The Council of the General Representation will meet again on May 12th to reassess the matter and define the guidelines that will be given later.

According to the General Representative Mestre, Paulo Afonso Amato Condé, “the thought of the General Representation is that in May we will have a perspective of good news and that we’ll be able to gradually resume our activities, even if only partially, in some locations where the situation is not serious and activities are permitted by local authorities. However, we also have a duty to alert our entire irmanade to maintain hygiene and safeguard their health, not exposing themselves to unnecessary risks, especially the more vulnerable people.”

“We also continue with our thoughts and with Faith in our spiritual guide, always asking Him for health and guardianship so we can pass through these moments, looking within and always examining ourselves because what is subject to stealing our peace is the way in which we react to situations,” orients Mestre Paulo Afonso.

The General Representative Mestre sites a small text from Rubem Alves for our reflection: “We are the things that live inside us. That is why there are beautiful people, not because of their face, but because of the exuberance of their inner world.”

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