UDV extends the suspension of Sessions and in-person activities until April 30th

| April 16, 2020

Sede Geral, Brasília-DF | Photo: Bento Viana.

The Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal extended the suspension of Sessions and other in-person activities until April 30th. The decision was made by the Council of the General Representation (CRG), during a virtual meeting held on April 15th. The Sessions and activities have been suspended since March 19th of this year, in compliance with the recommendations of public health officials in the fight against COVID-19.

The Council also issued orientations about holding virtual internal meetings scheduled for the coming days. On April 29th, the CRG will meet again to re-evaluate the suspension of activities.

“During this period of suspension of in-person activities by the Center, the General Representation and the General Directorate is seeking to have ever closer contact with the authorities and the irmandade in order to provide information and support in whatever way possible,” explained Mestre Tadeo Feijão, President of the Center. According to him, both the RG as well as the DG are sensitive to the needs of the brothers and sisters and of the Núcleos, and together with the authorities, they have been working on and encouraging activities and actions of administrative, human and spiritual support.

“We know we are going through a challenging moment, but we also have the certainty that throughout this journey the presence of our Mestre can be felt more each day within us, strengthening our bonds of Union and trust. It is time to be compassionate and present. We all need and we can all give a gesture and word of encouragement and equilibrium, and real help to someone that is currently in a more vulnerable state. It’s never too much to remember that we only defend ourselves from evil with the practice of good. May the love of the Mestre guard and comfort us,” stated Tadeo Feijão.

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