UDV: a milestone for progress and equilibrium for humanity for the past 60 years

José Carlos Garcia*

| July 22nd, 2021

Mestre Gabriel among his disciples, at the home of one of them, Antonio Domingo Ramos | Photo by M. Cícero Alexandre Lopes.

Exactly 60 years ago, on July 22nd, 1961, in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest, on the border between two countries, Brazil and Bolivia, the União do Vegetal was created; the result of the thought of a rubber tapper named José Gabriel da Costa, who had as one of his objectives to assist in the spiritual development of his disciples through the use of Hoasca Tea, made from two Amazonian plants: the Mariri vine and the leaves of the Chacrona.

As he continued his work, José Gabriel da Costa, known as Mestre Gabriel, developed religious activities distributing this Tea, initially to his family: his wife Raimunda Ferreira da Costa (Mestre Pequenina) and his children; as well as to some rubber tappers and later on, to other people in the city of Porto Velho (RO), where he went to live with his family in 1965. In 1971, the UDV was organized as the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal.

Having Light, Peace and Love as a symbol within its sacrament, the  União do Vegetal is a religion with a Christian foundation and a belief in reincarnation. It currently has over 22,000 members throughout 11 countries. It also develops works to support society through various Departments located within its General Directorate, which handles the material aspect of the Center. It also supports the preservation of the environment through the Novo Encanto Association for Ecological Development, a partner entity of the UDV.

Over the years the União do Vegetal has been recognized by the authorities, having been issued the title of federal public utility because of the beneficent services provided to society at large. This is a clear demonstration that the teachings of Mestre Gabriel help his disciples to conduct themselves on the path of goodness.

Along the way to reach its 60th anniversary, the União do Vegetal has had its path marked by the presence of this Spiritual Guide, Mestre Gabriel, of the Mestres of the Origin of this Sacred Work and of all the people who work for the UDV to continue being a milestone of progress and equilibrium for humanity.

*José Carlos Garcia is the General Representative Mestre of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal.

>> Click here and watch video produced by the Department of Memory and Communication (DMC), in which associates of the Center sing the Hymn to the Flag of the UDV.

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