Mestre Herculano celebrates his 82nd birthday

Isabel de Oliveira Cavalcante*

| November 15, 2017

Counselheira Rita and to Mestre Herculano | Photo: Ivan Castro.

Though his birth certificate was recorded in the town of Pereiro, Ceará, he was actually born in a farm near the town of São Miguel, in the border region between the states of Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará.

In 1956, at age of 21, he decided to leave his birthplace in search of a better life. Similarly, many of his northeastern compatriots left their homeland for the Amazon Rainforest. Daringly they faced the challenges of rubber plantations and mining areas with courage. Unknowingly, he was on his way to meet his Spiritual Guide and to take up his mission of “horse tamer.” On July 22, 1971, he received this tittle, along with the star of Mestre, from the hands of Mestre Gabriel. With this same star he keeps moving onward, taming people as well.

Having dedicated 50 years of his life to this Sacred Work, this good-humored and fast-thinking farmer emphasizes in his doctrine that simplicity and the practice of good living ought to be a way of life. Correspondingly, as a good grower, he teaches how to plant the seeds of peace and love in every heart with fertile soil and in the mind of those open to encountering the Savior.

Mestre Herculano, is a friend, a father and a grandfather, who wisely recognizes the real value of life’s golden laws. By treating others well, this sertanejo (from the country side) with a big heart, offers captivating interpretations of the simple things of life.

In this journey, Mestre Herculano and Counselheira Rita, share the same philosophy of life. Together, as M. Herculano has said, he rows and she takes the water out of the boat. In this sharing companionship, the day after his birthday, C. Rita celebrates her 69th birthday.

Congratulations and long life to Mestre Herculano and to Counselheira Rita!

*By his daughter Isabel de Oliveira Cavalcante, member of the CDC, socio of Núcleo Jardim Florescendo, Florida – 1st Region of North America.

Translated by: Alex Cavalcante, member of QM – Nucleo Jardim Florescendo, Florida – 1st Region of North America | Revised by: Celina Bennetti-Cavalcanti – member of CDC – Nucleo C. Salomão – Paraíba – 10th Region

1 reply
  1. Adrian Van Deusen
    Adrian Van Deusen says:

    Vida longa, familia feliz! É assim mesmo que vem aprendendo mais coisas na vida pelo exemplo que vocês vivem! Pelo seu exemplo e o exemplo das flores que plantarem.

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