Mestre Jair Gabriel is elected as General Representative Mestre of the UDV

| September 9, 2023

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In a Session at the General Headquarters, Brasília-DF, on September 9, 2023, the Electoral College elected, during the second round, Mestre Jair Gabriel da Costa for the position of General Representative Mestre of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal. Mestre Jair Gabriel da Costa received 62 votes, and Mestre José Carlos Garcia received 38 votes. During voting in the first round, Mestre Jair Gabriel received 38 votes, Mestre José Carlos  25 votes, Mestre Mário Rodrigues Filho 17 votes, Mestre João Luiz Cotta Neto 10 votes, Mestre José Luiz de Oliveira 7 votos and Mestre Edson Lodi Campos Soares 3 votes.

The Electoral College also elected the UDV’s new General Directorate and Fiscal Council. All those elected will take office on January 6, 2024 for the term that will go until January 6, 2027.

Mestre Jair Gabriel da Costa is 73 years old and was born in Porto Velho (RO). Married to Counselor Ermanna Cavazzoli, they currently live in Salvador-BA. Mestre Jair Gabriel is the second son of Mestre Gabriel and Mestre Pequenina. He was nine years old when he took communion of the Vegetal for the first time, the same day as his father – he was present in the first moments of the creation of the União do Vegetal in the rubber tapping region of the Amazon Rainforest, and later in Porto Velho. Since 1987, he has been a member of the Council of Recordation of the Teachings of Mestre Gabriel, and has already been a Representative Mestre, Central Mestre and General Assistant Mestre of the UDV. Currently, he is the Representative Mestre of Nucleo Sultão das Matas (Salvador-BA).

Election of the General Directorate and Fiscal Council

The Electoral College also elected the members of the new General Directorate and Fiscal Council of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal for the triennium that will go from January 6th, 2024 to January 6th, 2027. See the list of people elected below:

President: Maurício Divisati Otaviani Bernis – Nucleo São João Batista, 3rd Region
Vice-President of Prosperar: Glycon Garcia Junior – Nucleo Grande Ventura,  3rd Region
Operational Vice-President: Everaldo Paulo de Azevedo Filho – Nucleo Luz do Oriente, 8th Region
Financial Vice-President: Daniel dos Santos Silva – General Headquarters
Vice-President of Departments and DRDGs: Ricardo Zapala Wetter – Nucleo Florestal, 13th Region
Vice-President of the International Field: Tai Brook Bixby – Nucleo Santa Fé, 18th Region
Vice-President of IT: Magno Almeida Ramos – Nucleo Mestre Bartolomeu, 1st Region
Vice-President General Headquarters: Salomão Taumaturgo Marques – General Headquarters
General Secretary: Paola Torres Pinto de Souza –  Nucleo Flor Encantadora, 12th Region
Adjunct Secretary: Jeanny de Jesus Ferreira da Luz –  Nucleo Rei Hoasqueiro, 8th Region
Adjunct Secretary of the International Field: Toni Nicole Spoliansky –  Nucleo Jardim Florescendo, 18th Region
General Treasurer: José Radier de Sousa – General Headquarters
Adjunct Treasurer: Ivan Couto dos Santos – Nucleo Luz do Oriente, 8th Region
Official Orator: Maria Ivone de Castro Menão – General Headquarters

Fiscal Council
Thiago Marinho e Silva – Nucleo Príncipe Teceu, 8th Region
1st Member: Samuel Simoni Silveira – General Headquarters
2nd Member: Luís Fernando Pereira Maia – General Headquarters
1st Alternate: Daniel Coutinho Wider – Nucleo Príncipe Teceu, 8th Region
2nd Alternate: Carlos Henrryque Sousa Barros – Nucleo Príncipe Teceu , 8th Region
3rd Alternate: Arthur Menna Barreto Neves – General Headquarters

We wish good work and peace to those elected.

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