Jesus, verb incarnate, transforming ages and hearts

| December 24, 2023

Danielle Hounsell Silva Garcia*

In this moment that we are experiencing one of the most important days for the Christian world – Christmas, whose etymology translates to mean, birth –, I unite with praise to those with clear awareness, who revere the existence of Jesus, this Being of Light who through His many teachings, brought with Him the essence of all the sacraments: Love.

With the purest sentiment of humility, Jesus was born in a place where simplicity was present, thus demonstrating through His example, in all His glory and power, one of the most important attributes for the development of spirituality. It was there that after His birth, he received the visit from the Three Kings. The three Wise Men, who, following the Orient Star traveled, and brought gifts of recognition to the King of Kings that had arrived.

Through His story, and fulfilling the prophecy, the angels gave glory to God in the Heavens, for He born to Mary in Bethlehem in Judea, who came to be our Savior. God, present on Earth, who came to transform the Age of the Law of Talion by proposing an end to revenge, ushering in a new alliance of Love with forgiveness.

Full of wisdom and Blessings, He taught the poor and the noble, the lords and the doctors, that loving God with all one’s heart is a sacred commandment, which must always be remembered in moments of prayer.

There were many events in the life of Jesus after encountering with the apostles during His ministry. Shortly after his baptism in the waters of the River Jordan, John gave Him men who would become his followers, praising and recognizing Him as the King of the Jews.

In the following days, Jesus preached about faith, making people believe that it is possible to overcome the adversity of the world, fostering a deep sentiment of belief in this Truth, as he performed miracles, healed illnesses, and pastured his flock as the Good Shepherd.

Through His teachings, we can perceive that loving God above all else is recognizing the existence of the Superior. That loving your neighbor as yourself is knowing that it’s necessary first to recognize oneself, and then, through subsequent recognition, to establish a close bond of affection and love with another. It is knowing that forgiveness is the demonstration of a feeling that liberates, that removes evil, and that is in alignment with the kindness that is granted to a fellow brother or sister.

From a noun, which describes a person, a verb that determined action stood out, and in this way, Jesus came from the House of the Father to bring the doctrine that teaches us to believe in the path of salvation. In this way, over time, His truth is presented, sustained, and renewed through the work of men, who, with goodwill, continue to spread His good news.

Among these men is Mestre Gabriel: a doer of good. A follower of Jesus, and the creator of our religion, who in the same way that it is celebrated today elsewhere, commemorated this date in Session. This is the place where we, his disciples, are oriented to have our steps guided by the same doctrine, and to follow this Light.

It is on this road that we walk, following the Orient Star, where we can receive everything we seek and everything we wish for our well-being, depending on what we plant and depending on our want. It is on this path that we can awaken our awareness, and discover that, through the peace that we build, we will truly grow and have more happiness in our lives.

My wish is that this Christmas, Jesus can present Himself to us, and that the real meaning of His mission can be registered in the heart and consciousness of each disciple of our Sacred União. May the Light be present, making everything transparent within that which is true, out of love for the Messenger, who in this way conducts everyone and everything.

Merry Christmas to all my brothers, sisters, and friends!

Danielle (1)

*Danielle Hounsell Silva Garcia is a member of the Body of Counsel of the General Headquarters (Brasilia – DF).

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