Thematic Chamber of Ayahuasqueira Cultures publishes note of solidarity with the UDV

| February 18, 2023

The members of the Thematic Chamber of Ayahuasqueira Cultures of Rio Branco, Acre, have published a note by which they demonstrate in light of the articles published by the press, regarding the Beneficent Spirits Center União do Vegetal. The Chamber brings together religious institutions that use Ayahuasca Tea (also known as Hoasca Tea within the UDV). Click to read the note in its entirety that demonstrates solidarity with the União do Vegetal:


The council members of the Thematic Chamber of Ayahuasqueia Cultures, an entity that is a member of the Municipal System of Culture of Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil that brings many institutions together that make use of ayahuasca tea, have come forward to manifest ourselves before the articles that were recently published in the press, especially in “A Tribuna” newspaper on February 14, 2023, with the headline “UDV defends conspirators acts in support of Bolsonaro under protest of the country’s faithful”.

We clarify that the ayahuasqueira communities represented in the Thematic Chamber, for example the example of the União do Vegetal (UDV), have not supported any political or ideological demonstration contrary to the laws of the country in an institutional manner.

It is important to remember in this context that bipartisan politics and ideologies in Brazil have become accentuated in recent years in all social circles, including religious communities in general. In our cases it hasn’t been any different because we also observe a diversity of opinions and conducts.

From this perspective, we understand that isolated demonstrations of people or groups within every ayahuasqueiro universe must be the objet of examination, in accord with the statutory rules of each entity, in the light of the Federal Constitution and other pertinent norms.

In this manner, we repute any attempt to address, in a general manner, specific pronouncements by members of the União do Vegetal as an official expression of orientation of the religious institution.

This beneficent religion has always had its doors open to anyone who wanted to get to know its doctrine and participate in its work for peace.

We would like to emphasize, however, that the ligitimacy of the use of ayahuasca is not subject to ideological conditioning in any sense in a democratic country, as long as people are free to defend their opinions and must respond personally for their actions when they are contrary to the laws of the country. 

The UDV, as well as the other traditional ayahuasqueira communities, rigorously fulfills ethical, legal, and moral principles in the responsible use of ayahuasca, including the use of the tea strictly in a religious context, a commitment affirmed in the Letter of Principles of Ayahuasqueira Religions.

In this manner, the council members of this Chamber stand in solidarity with the União do Vegetal and recognize it as a religious organization of immense value in the construction and strengthening of the legitimate use of ayahuasca in Brazil and many other countries.


Rio Branco, Acre—February 17, 2023

Council of the Thematic Chamber of Ayahuasqueia Cultures of Rio Branco



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