Mestre Monteiro, at 89 years old, is an example of dedication to the UDV

| March 30, 2023

Fabiana Queiroz*

Photo: DMC of Núcleo Pau Darco

The birthday of a Mestre of the Origin from the União do Vegetal is yet another opportunity that we have to recognize the value of these people who dedicated and continue to dedicate their lives to the growth and expansion of this Work created by our Great Mestre Gabriel. Mestre Raimundo Monteiro de Souza is – upon turning 89 years old today, March 30, 2023 – a living example of dedication to the Work of Mestre Gabriel.

When I think of him, I always remember so many precious moments that he spent with Mestre Gabriel, as he himself recounts with emotion and longing, on his countless trips to the Nucleos of the União do Vegetal.

Stories that deeply touch my heart, like the one on July 22nd, when Mestre Monteiro had a young son who was hospitalized in a serious condition, but even so, out of love for Mestre Gabriel, he went to the Session and directed the works, demonstrating his faithful heart, the fulfillment of one’s duty and his commitment to the Mestre.

Events like this – and so many others – fill my heart with joy for having a friendship with this man who inspires us through his attitudes always aimed at the growth and expansion of the UDV.

Despite having known him for more than thirty years, I still recall that what caught my attention about Mestre Monteiro was his politeness and the kind way he treats people. He showed consideration for the brothers and sisters: he knew the entire irmandade of Nucleo Pau d’Arco (Caruaru – PE) by name, showing the attention and affection he had for everyone and, from that moment on, he won over our friendship.

Care and Patience

There are many important moments lived here in Caruaru. During our major events, he is with us, as well as on some festive dates, honoring us with his presence. He was also the Central Mestre of the then 4th Region, and he always made a good contribution to our learning, demonstrating fairness when passing on the Mestre’s teachings, seeking to teach the disciples what he learned, always with care, patience and gentleness.

It is admirable that Mestre Monteiro, at the age of 89, has so much disposition to travel to different places, to drink Vegetal and direct so many Sessions, always seeking to attend to the brothers and sisters, to his friends, and consequently demonstrating to us, even more, his faithful practice.

This year of 2023, we are celebrating his birthday here in Caruaru for the fourth time. For us, it is a joy to be able to have a party in honor of this friend who has already contributed so much to our learning and to our walk towards spirituality.

And so, my wish for this dear Mestre is that his good planting be carried into eternity and that he always harvest good fruits from the Garden of Royalty!

Congratulations Mestre Monteiro, you Sir, live in our hearts!

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*Fabiana Queiroz is a member of the Body of Counsel of Nucleo Pau Darco.

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