Mestre Roberto Evangelista turns 71 years old

On this day of February 10th, 2017, we also celebrate the 71 years of Mestre Roberto Evangelista. He is a member of the Council of Recordation of the Teachings of Mestre Gabriel and General Assistant Mestre of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal. Mestre Roberto Evangelista met Mestre Gabriel in the city of Manaus-AM and, together with his companion, Ana Maria Evangelista, was convoked to the Body of Counsel by Mestre Florencio. Mestre Gabriel was present in the session.

As an outstanding feature, Mestre Roberto Evangelista always has a sincere friendly word and good counsel. In a recent publication directed to the irmandade of the União do Vegetal, on the 1st of November, 2016, Mestre Roberto Evangelista gifts us with his wisdom and simplicity in conveying the teachings of Mestre Gabriel:

“This, too, is a precious moment to firm and confirm our faithfulness to the divine principles of this Holy Order. May we always determine to look within ourselves, to examine ourselves and to see in our neighbor, our brother, our equal, living up to our sacred symbol: Light, Peace and Love.”

And it is with this same feeling of brotherhood that we celebrate another birthday of Mestre Roberto Evangelista, and we wish that the Divine Master Jesus may always have an abode in his heart and that the Symbol of the Union is always present in his daily life.

Mestres of the Origin

Below we reproduce the interview of Mestre Roberto Evangelista to the series Mestres of the Origin, produced by the Department of Memory and Communication of the UDV. In the video, he tells of his first encounter with Mestre Gabriel and also a little of his own history until arriving at União do Vegetal. It’s been more than 40 years since he first drank Vegetal and today he continues “pushing on to follow on the path of the Mestre”, as he himself says.

February 10th, 2017.

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