Mestre José Luiz at 85 years old, a brother and friend whose heart is dedicated to the Work of Mestre Gabriel
| 27 August, 2022
Clovis Cavalieri Rodrigues de Carvalho*

To speak about the life of Mestre José Luiz de Oliveira, on this date in which he turns 85 years old, is to speak about the life of a dynamic, cheerful man, with a differentiated intelligence and a brother and friend whose heart is dedicated to the Work of the Great Mestre Gabriel.
He arrived to the União in 1965, at the very beginning of the works in Porto Velho, and with much care and goodwill he contributed greatly in the organization of the first steps of this religious society of ours. Therefore, we owe much to him for this Holy Order of ours having made it to the present day and for us having encountered it.
A hard-working man, he has crossed many difficulties throughout his life, but he has demonstrated, and many times with a smile on his face, that obstacles can and must be overcome.
With this visible and guiding disposition, since the time Mestre Gabriel was alive in a body, Mestre Zé Luiz has lent a hand for this work, with his qualities and virtues adding to many important things that we have learned, and which are serving us in our lives and which will serve the lives of everyone who is yet to arrive here.
Faithful Disciple
One of the things that I could perceive since the first time I met him was how much of a faithful disciple of the Mestre he is; a characteristic that made him one of the closest to our Spiritual Guide. He is the author of several chamadas in our Sacred União and a good amount of them were brought in the presence of Mestre Gabriel. Among the disciples that accompanied the Mestre, he [Mestre Zé Luiz] is considered the “Spokesman of Chamadas in the União do Vegetal” and is registered in the Superior Astral as such. A great responsibility that has been carried out by him with competence and honor.
He has held several positions within the Center since the first directorate boards, including the representation in the presence of the Mestre. After the disincarnation of our guide, he occupied positions as the Representative of nucleos, of our General Headquarters, the position of General Assistant Mestre during some mandates and the place of the General Representative Mestre for two consecutive terms. He is a current and permanent member of the Council of the Recordation of the Teachings of Mestre Gabriel (CREMG) and obviously of all the other Councils that exist in the General Direction of our Center. He currently holds the position as one of the General Assistant Mestres.
I had the pleasure of being his General Assistant Mestre during his second term as General Representative Mestre, for which I feel very honored. I also had the opportunity to have him as the Representative Mestre in the General Headquarters when I held the position of General Representative Mestre. We shared life together for a few years in Brasília and I learned many things with him that I cherish with great love and care.
Poetic Tendency
Possessing a poetic tendency, with his radiant joy, being around him is a pleasure as he helps everyone who comes to listen to him feel moments of relaxation filled with good teachings that he intelligently inserts in verses he recites, in stories he tells and in the experiences he shares about the very close relationship he had with our Mestre.
Among the first eight that received the title of Mestre from the hands of Mestre Gabriel, Mestre Zé Luiz received the quality of being the “Mestre for Firmness.” This honor would only be fitting for him to receive, given that he is the author of the chamada Caminho Firme (Firm Path).
With any and all tributes and recognition that could be given to
Mestre Zé Luiz, I feel that we would never be able to repay him for all the benefits that we have already received through the teachings he has transmitted, from his demonstration of friendship and from his heart that lives to serve others without measuring efforts, many times sacrificing his and his family’s comfort in order to always serve us with goodwill and disposition.
One of his notable characteristics, among the many that he possesses, is the enthusiasm with which he transmits the doctrine and the teachings, always putting at the forefront the force of love and the desire to see his brothers and sisters learning and walking in the true sense that our Mestre taught.
Conselheira Emanuella

It is also necessary to register in his life, the presence of Conselheira (Counselor) Emanuella, his wife, who brought him a new and clear horizon, starting from the first days she became part of his life, renewing his hopes and making him feel the joy of a happy and welcoming family life. My sincerest recognition to this woman who is a very important part of the trajectory of Mestre Zé Luiz’s life. Congratulations friend, for your dedication to and care for this valuable man.
My and our sincere congratulations to this noble friend for yet another birthday, which is celebrated every year in this month of August, with the sincerest sentiments that the blessings of the Divine Savior and His Blessed Mother always continue on your path, strengthening you with physical, mental and spiritual health and with the further blessings of our Sacred Symbol of Light, Peace and Love.
From the friend that is always available
With care and friendship
*Mestre Clovis Cavalieri is a member of the Council of the General Representation of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal.
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