Children, teens and families celebrate the 100th anniversary of Mestre Gabriel’s birth

| 25 January, 2023

Satara Bixby*

The Spiritual Orientation for Children and Youth (OE) and the Department of Memory and Communication (DMC) of the 1st Region of North America and the 1st Region of Europe and Oceania of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal, produced a video in commemoration of the Centenary of Mestre Gabriel’s birth (on February 10, 2022). The producers of the video were inspired by getting to know some of the children and teens of the UDV outside Brazil, and through them, seeing the prophecy of Mestre Gabriel coming true: of the União do Vegetal going beyond the borders of Brazil and circling the world.

This video also celebrates the Mestre’s vision, of making a peace in the world, through our children and our children’s children, who come from many different cultures, races, languages and countries, gathering together to raise the flag of the UDV and unite under the symbol of Light, Peace and Love.

Satara*Satara Bixby is a member of the Body of Counsel of Nucleo Santa Fé (New Mexico – USA) and is Responsible for the Spiritual Orientation with Children and Youth in the 1st Region of North America.

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