Mestre Herculano turns 81 years old

Today, Francisco Herculano de Oliveira (Mestre Herculano), is turning 81 years old. Mestre Herculano helped Mestre Gabriel to organize the UDV, during the 1960s, in Porto Velho (RO). Since then, he has dedicated his life to the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal.
Mestre Geral Representante
Mestre Herculano occupied the place of General Representative Mestre for two consecutive terms, between January 6, 2009 and January 6, 2015. He is also a member of the Council of Recordation of the Teachings of Mestre Gabriel. Currently, he is one of the General Assistant Mestres, who has the function of helping the General Representative Mestre, in the assistance of the many nucleos of the UDV.
An hoasqueiro heart
“Whoever knows Mestre Herculano personally doesn’t need an interpreter, or someone to explain how he is or what he means to say. It’s hard not to like him. Neither tall nor short, neither very quiet or very talkative, he is all Northeastern caboclo, descendant of many races, wise, almost clairvoyant, and with unbelievable insight (a word that he will not like). A timeless smile.”
The quote above is part of the text “Mestre Herculano: an hoasqueiro heart” written by journalist Cristina da Luz (Member of the Body of Council of Nucleo Pupuramanta (Rio de Janeiro – RJ)) and can be read in its entirety by clicking here.
Mestres of the Origin
Watch the interview below of Mestre Herculano from the Series “Mestres of the Origin.” In this video he speaks about his origins, his encounter with Mestre Gabriel (creator of the UDV) , and his walk in the União do Vegetal to the point of becoming the General Representative Mestre: