Mestre Sidon and his oratory of love
| February 25, 2021
Blog Team

Born in Porto Velho (RO), on February 25th, 1932, Francisco dos Anjos Feitosa, known in the heart of the União do Vegetal as Sidon, the loving nickname that followed him from childhood, arrived to the União do Vegetal in the presence of Mestre Gabriel, for whom he felt great friendship and respect. Because of his dedication to the Work, his firm words, his good examples and his counsels, Sidon arrived to the places in the União do Vegetal, having the happiness of being convoked to the Cadre of Mestres of the UDV by Mestre Gabriel himself. In homage to him, the UDV Blog reproduces a part of one of his oratories below.
My beloved brothers and sisters,
I feel happy and joyful to be a disciple of the Mestre.
This joy and satisfaction continues to grow and satisfy me more and more each time that I arrive to the Nucleo and see the irmandade growing more each day. I feel happy because the União do Vegetal is to one day be a Garden in Bloom. These days it is flowering and blossoming, but one day it will be a Garden in Bloom. The União do Vegetal has a lot of good things to teach us, to counsel us, to orient us and to show us about how to be happy in our lives.
I ask my brothers and sisters who belong to this Nucleo to continue working for the growth of this Great Mestre’s Work, to dedicate your heart to the things of the União more and more each day. We can observe what our Mestre has done and what he comes doing with us. And all of his disciples who seek to follow his precious teachings can look at people and see that they have prosperity. It is the reward for the love, dedication and affection that we have with this Work of the Great Mestre Gabriel. Seeking to unite more each day with one another so that we can continue moving forward together. Because we know that there are other places outside of the União do Vegetal that say that union makes us stronger, but union is strength. The more people, the greater the strength.
Because we have seen it like this, that the more we evolve, the tests come, trials take place in our life, in our day to day, but with firmness in our thoughts and seeking to clean our heart more each day, we cross each and every obstacle that may happen to cross our path. With faith in God and living trust in the Mestre, we find it easy to cross over any hurdle that may happen to present itself in our life. Because it isn’t often, but sometimes we are the very ones who cause the difficulties, the obstacles. Seek always to speak positive words, with love and care. Always treat our brothers and sisters with love and care, with the symbol of the União – with Light, with Peace and with Love. And within this true love there is justice. Therefore, I ask the brothers and sisters to keep working for this Work, seeking to dedicate their heart to this Work, and looking after and caring for this Work more each day.
None of us is conscious yet of what we say and do. We are conscious of some things, but we aren’t conscious of everything. Therefore, it is said that none of us is perfect. Anyone of us is still subject to mistakes. We aren’t obligated to make errors, but we are subject to. Sometimes, due to a little carelessness, we hold our thoughts, but we let a word slip out that we have to respond for. And so, the União do Vegetal teaches us, shows us how it is that we can defend ourselves from the difficulties that are subject to and which present themselves in our life. Because if we want to follow in the União do Vegetal and if we pay close attention to all the events beforehand, we have a warning.
Mestre Gabriel would always say that we need to be alert to good opportunities because they are unlikely to repeat themselves.
To learn more about Mestre Sidon, read other previously published texts on the UDV Blog.
>> Mestre Sidon, one of the Uniao do Vegetal’s gardeners [portuguese]
>> Mestre Sidon and his gift of enchanting
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