Mestre Pequenina: message from General Representative Mestre

Foto: Yuugi Makiuchi

Brasilia, October 12, 2016.

Dear Brothers, Sisters, and Friends of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal

We hope everyone is well and in peace with your family, friends, and irmandade.

At this time, we direct our thoughts to our Spiritual Guide, Mestre Gabriel, Author of this Great Work that is the UDV, asking him to cover us with the Holy Symbol of Light, Peace, and Love.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, as you already know, our dear sister and friend Mestre Pequenina passed away on October 2nd, returning to the spiritual world where she now lies in the presence of the blessings of the Divine Mestre, receiving the peace which she so well earned during her earthly existence.

We are eternally grateful for all the goodness she has offered us. We can never forget the benefits received from the strength, example, struggle, and dedication that she always showed her family, the irmandade, and for the Holy Work of the Mestre.

May the blessings of the Power of God and of the Virgin Blessed Mother always be with her. We wish all the family members that remain among us to be strengthened by the spiritual comfort of God’s Light. Count on us always.

The General Representation and the General Directorate of the CEBUDV pay due homage to this invaluable and victorious sister, M. Pequenina, beseeching our Mestre and Guide to guard and comfort her always.

“She will live on in our memories.”


Clovis Cavalieri Rodrigues de Carvalho

General Representative Mestre