Mestre Gabriel left the material plane 50 years ago

| September 24, 2021

José Carlos Garcia*

Art: Gustavo Santana.

On September 24, 1971, exactly 50 years ago in Brasilia (DF), José Gabriel da Costa, the creator of the União do Vegetal, known as Mestre Gabriel, bid farewell to this material plane. He was a man who brought with him spiritual principles of great value, who is respected for fulfilling his word, for his example of firmness and humility, for the love that he demonstrated for others and for so many other qualities that have led to the continuation of his Work, which he created with the objective of building Peace in the world.

Leaving behind his wife, Mestre Pequenina, his children and his disciples in a moment of grief due to the loss of their dearly departed one, his departure from this plane at the age of 49 registers the certainty that the knowledge and wisdom of this simple man was not limited to the number of years in which he was incarnated. Mestre Gabriel thus left a love for the Work he created planted in the heart of his family and his disciples, resulting in the firm purpose of Its continuity.

50 years later, the União do Vegetal records in its history the trajectory of the life of this man who, by the strength and firmness of his thought, managed to overcome adversity in order to bring all of his disciples the essence of his legacy, translated into the sacred symbol of Light, Peace and Love.

Mestre Gabriel continues to teach us the Path of Goodness, by making himself present in our lives every time we commune with the Vegetal, fostering our relationship with the Divine, in a connection with the essence of our spirituality. Thereby showing that he remains alive in the heart of every disciple who truly seeks to connect to this path that leads to salvation.

*José Carlos Garcia is the General Representative Mestre of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal.