General Representation, Central Mestre and DG start a new term

*Blog Team 

| January 8th, 2018

Mestre Paulo Afonso receives the shirt of Mestre Geral Representative of União do Vegetal | Photo: Isaac Amorim.

In a session held on January 6th, 2018 at the General Headquarters (Sede Geral) in Brasília (DF), the new General Representative Mestre of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal, Paulo Afonso Amato Condé, and his six General Assistant Mestres took office for a term that will extend until January 6th, 2021. The 19 Central Mestres, the Mestre Representative at the General Headquarters (Sede Geral), Edison Luis Guedes Neves, the General Directorate and its Fiscal Council also took office for the same triennium. Also, today, all the Representative Mestres of the Nucleos of the UDV began their three-year mandates.

The General Assistant Mestres are: José Luiz de Oliveira and Francisco Roberto Evangelista (both members of the Council of the Recordation of the Teachings of Mestre Gabriel); José Anchieta Torreão de Sá, Edison Saraiva Neves, Teodoro Irigaray and Mário Rodrigues Filho.

The following are the names of the Central Mestres, members of the General Directorate and its Fiscal Council:

Central Mestres

1st Region– Donizete da Silva

2nd Region – Mauro Alen Bezerra

3rd Region – Henrique Salles Gentil

4th Region – Antônio Augusto Barbosa Boureau

5th Region – Soter Fernandes Lyra

6th Region – Francisco de Assis da Silva

7th Region – Antonio Ferreira Gomes

8th Region – Wladimir Fogagnoli Ferraz

9th Region – Darcioni Colombo

10th Region – Gilvan Dias Barreto

11th Region – Luiz Martins Bomfim Filho

12th Region – Fabrício Martins da Costa Drumond

13th Region – João Divino Duarte de Oliveira

14th Region – Keid Nolan Silva Sousa

15th Region – Eldo Rodrigues de Oliveira

16th Region – Aloysio Pinto Menezes Junior

17th Region – Gastão Menezes Costa Neto

1st Region North America – Fábio Angelino Fortunato

1st Region Europe and Oceania – Luiz Alberto Barreto

General Directorate

– President: Mestre Tadeo Feijão (Núcleo Fortaleza- Fortaleza-CE)

– Vice-President of Finance: Mestre Eduardo Marques (Núcleo Cajueiro Pequenino – Fortaleza-CE)

– Vice President of Information, Technology and Projects: Mestre Marco Aurélio Paiva (Núcleo Rei Inca – Goiânia-GO)

– Vice President of Regional Coordination and Patrimony: Mestre Klaus Paranaíba (Núcleo Gaspar – Brasília-DF)

– International Vice President: Mestre Jeffrey Bronfman (Authorized Distribution of Hawaii – Hawaii – USA)

– Vice President of the local management of Sede Geral: Mestre Francisco Feyer (Sede Geral – Brasília-DF)

– General Secretary: Counselor Iura Menão (Núcleo Luz do Oriente – Brasília-DF)

– Assistant Administrative Secretary: Counselor Cleide Malheiros (Núcleo Estrela Matutina – Brasília-DF)

– General Treasurer: Counselor Eduardo Gonçalves (Núcleo Rei Hoasqueiro – Brasília-DF)

– Assistant General Treasurer: Alexandre Moura (Instructive Body of Sede Geral – Brasília-DF)

– Official Orator: Counselor Lauréti Mascarin (General Headquarters – Brasília-DF)

Fiscal Council of the General Directorate

– President: Counselor Francisco Almeida Pinto (Sede Geral – Brasília – DF)

– First Member: Pedro R. Mandai (CI of Núcleo Rei Hoasqueiro – Brasília-DF)

– Second Member: Victor Godinho (CI of Sede Geral – Brasília-DF)

– First Alternate: João Gabriel Neves (CI of Núcleo Rei Hoasqueiro – Brasília-DF)

– Second Alternate: Tarcísio Bakaus (CI of Sede Geral – Brasília-DF)

– Third Alternate: Ramide Dino (CI of Sede Geral – Brasília-DF)


On January 7th, 2017, at the General Headquarters, the Council of General Administration (CONAGE) met and elected the Mestres who will be members of the Council in this triennium: João Luiz Cotta Neto, Jorge Elage and Almir Nahas.. The Mestres appointed by the General Representative Mestre to be members of the CONAGE are the following: Eduardo Pessoa e José Mauro Fagundes.

In addition to the elected and appointed Mestres, the CONAGE also includes the General Representative Mestre and his Assistant General Mestres; the Mestre Representative of the Sede Geral, Edison Luis Guedes Neves; the members of the Council of the Recordation of the Teachings of Mestre Gabriel (Raimundo Monteiro de Souza, Roberto Souto Maior, Roberto Evangelista, Francisco Herculano de Oliveira, José Luiz de Oliveira e Jair Gabriel da Costa); the Central Mestres, the Mestres who occupied the position of General Representative Mestre (Clovis Cavalieri Rodrigues de Carvalho e Luis Felipe Belmonte dos Santos), the President of the General Directorate, Tadeo Feijão; and permanent members of the Council (José Carlos Garcia, Edison Saraiva Neves e Edson Lodi).

Coordinator of Translation: Isabel Cavalcante, member of the Body of Counsel of Nucleo Jardim Florescendo – Florida –1st Region of North AmericaTranslated by: Patrick Medina, member of the Instructive Body of Núcleo Luz Abençoada (Florianopolis, SC) | Revised by: Jonathan Spoliansky, member of the Body of Counsel of Núcleo Jardim Florescendo (Gainesville, FL-USA).

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