Encounter gathers leaderships to speak about the School of the União do Vegetal

| June 15, 2017

The opening of the II Encounter of Spiritual Orientation with Children and Adolescents gathered together more than 600 people, among them directors of the Center, Mestres of the Origin, family members of Mestre Gabriel and associates of the União do Vegetal, in Brasília-DF.

Associates from the 17 regions of Brazil and the United States participated in the Encounter with the objective of drawing the first outlines of the future school of the União do Vegetal. The Encounter reunites people connected to Spiritual Orientation in the Nucleos and Authorized Distributions, as well as educators and other collaborators from the Center.

Fulfilling the Word of the Mestre

The General Representative Mestre, Clóvis Cavalieri Rodrigues de Carvalho, highlighted the embryonic character of the project of the school of the União do Vegetal and the importance of working a pedagogical model that would be in harmony with the teachings of Mestre Gabriel, founder of the Center. “We need to build a model that has permanent principles and methods, with durability and constancy that can attend to our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and so on.”

Mestres and members of the Council of the Recordation of the Teachings of Mestre Gabriel, José Luiz de Oliveira, Francisco Herculano de Oliveira, Raimundo Monteiro de Souza and Roberto Evangelista were present at the opening of the works and remembered the word of Mestre Gabriel in which he says that one day the União do Vegetal will come to have a school. Mestre José Luiz mentioned the Escola 22 de Julho ( July 22nd School), at the old Headquarters of the UDV, which is today the José Gabriel da Costa Memorial, in Porto Velho-RO. The school, simple and small, was Mestre Gabriel’s idea: “Francisca and Josefa, Counselors in the União do Vegetal, were professors and taught the children at that time; they made scholastic reinforcement. There, (Escola 22 de Julho) was already a beginning of this school,” he tells.

See below the video of the opening of the II Encounter of Spiritual Orientation:

Live Transmission

The UDV Blog is doing a live transmission of the lectures taking place during the encounter. They can be accessed on the Escola OE Channel on YouTube.

We advise that, due to the internet provider, the transmission may experience fluctuations, with no guarantees to access to the content; however the lectures are recorded and will be available after the encounter.

                                                            Updated on June 16th, 2017, 12:20pm


Translated by Ryan Glassmoyer – Cadre of Associates of Nucleo San Francisco, California – 1st Region of USA.
Revised by Jonathan Spoliansky – CDC of Nucleo Jardim Florescendo, Florida – 1st Region of USA.
Translation Coordinator – Isabel Cavalcante – CDC of Nucleo Jardim Florescendo, Florida – 1st Region of USA.

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