Conference: UDV presents experience with mariri and chacrona

Armínio Pontes, first person from the right to left, participated in the table alongside other Ayahuasca scholars | Photo: Sergio Polignano

The Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal manages mariri and chacrona within a plan based on the sustained planting of the two plants used in the preparation of Hoasca Tea or Vegetal (Ayahausca). This was one of the themes addressed by Armínio Pontes, the Director of the UDV’s Plantation and Environmental Department, on the morning of October 20th, during his participation in the II World Ayahuasca Conference. Pontes presented the work “The study and management of mariri and chacrona in the UDV”, which summarizes the objectives and principles of the União do Vegetal for planting and preserving these sacred plants.

“The Hoasca tea is a vehicle that leads us to the spiritual plane,” said Pontes (member of the Cadre of Mestres of Núcleo Menino Deus, Manaus, AM, Brazil), demonstrating the importance of this sacrament for the União do Vegetal and the devotion and care the center has for planting and preserving the Mariri and Chacona.

“We have these plants native in the forest, but we advise all the Núcleos of the Uniao do Vegetal to have their own sustainable plantations of mariri and chacrona. In this way, we avoid the depletion of these plants in the forest,” stated the member of the UDV’s Direction.

Training planters and leaders

In his presentation, Pontes highlighted the partnership between the Plantation and Environmental Department and the Association Novo Encanto for Ecological Development (partner entity of the UDV connected to the environment). The goal of this partnership is to generate good practices within the União do Vegetal and communities where the Núcleos are located. Another important achievement highlighted during his presentation was the Training Center for Planters and Caretakers of Mariri and Chacrona – a strategic project by the UDV that has been functioning for more than 10 years in São João da Baliza (Roraima) – which has been continuously training planters and caretakers within the União do Vegetal.

A prophecy of good for mankind

At the same table where the UDV’s Plantation and Environmental Department participated, an indigenous man, Wenki Piyãko (Benki), shared his speech with Marcelo Valladão. He highlighted, that in addition to the planting of Mariri and Chacrona by the Ashaninka, that the Ayahuasca Tea is a “Prophecy of good for humanity.” Julia Ribeiro spoke on “The origins of a healing home of Daime” and Newton Cannito presented a lecture entitled, “Forest ethics and the spirit of creative economies”.

Translation Coord.: Isabel Cavalcante, member of Body of Counsel of N. Jardim Florescendo (Gainesville, FL – USA)

Translated by: Patrick Medina, member of the Instructive Body of N. Luz Abençoada, Florianopolis, SC, 9th Region

Revised by: Jonathan Spoliansky, member of Body of Counsel of N. Jardim Florescendo (Gainesville, FL – USA)

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