Christmas Message from the General Representation of the UDV
| December 24, 2020
José Luiz de Oliveira*

We are approaching the Christmas festivities, when our beloved Mestre Gabriel would gather us together in a session honoring the Divine Mestre Jesus. And we continue to put this and other good examples of his into practice.
Therefore, in the name of the General Representation, I address all my dear brothers and sisters, wishing that we have in our hearts the sacred symbol of our União: “Light, Peace and Love” and, thus, may we work together on behalf of this Sacred Work that provides so many benefits to us.
Dear Brothers and sisters, on this date, we celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ who came to Earth bringing the force of Love, Peace and Forgiveness, with the intention of illuminating our comprehension and uniting all of humanity so that we can live as true brothers and sisters, hand in hand, working for our own benefit. Because whatever good we do, we are doing for ourselves, for we harvest the fruit in accordance with what we plant.
We are grateful to all our brothers and sisters who dedicate themselves to the task of developing and growing this work. We wish health and prosperity to all and, especially to the brothers and sisters elected to administer the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal in the next three years, wishing for God, the Divine Mestre, to enlighten your consciences so that you can carry out your duty within the Symbol of “Light, Peace and Love”, and above all, with the care to preserve the teachings of this “União” which are the teachings of Mestre Gabriel, and also the same teachings as Jesus.
Wishes for a Merry Christmas!
*José Luiz de Oliveira is a General Assistant Mestre and Member of the Council of the Recordation of the Teachings of Mestre Gabriel.
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