59 years of the UDV: the Treasure that the Mestre announced

July 22, 2020

Paulo Afonso Amato Condé*

Ilustration: Luiza Flora

The history of these 59 years of the União do Vegetal is marked by the dedication of so many brothers and sisters who worked and who continue to work for their progress. With much struggle, Mestre José Gabriel da Costa, together with his wife, Mestre Pequenina, and their family, re-created the União amid the simplicity of the Amazon Rainforest. From the beginning, he brought human fraternity as the foundation of this religion.

From Porto Velho, continuing his work of institutionalizing the União, the Mestre formed his first disciples and the Mestres of the Origin. From Porto Velho, the União expanded to Manaus; and from Manaus, the União has been circulating the world, thus fulfilling his prophecy.

Today we are in 11 countries! In addition to Brazil, we have already managed to regulate the use of Vegetal in the USA and Canada. We continue to work so that the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal is recognized in other countries in Europe and Oceania.

The União do Vegetal is the treasure that the Mestre announced he was going to look for in the seringal (rubber tapping region of the forest). First he brought it to us by his own hand and subsequently, by the hands of many who give their heart and their talent for the growth and expansion of the UDV.

Our Mestre also said that “everything is created, it just needs to be organized.” At this very moment we are experiencing this growth and this search for better institutional organization.

According to his words, our Spiritual Guide works to remove the brothers and sisters from the illusions and entanglements. As a true friend, he brings us the clear and fine Light of Hoasca, which clarifies our consciousness and enchants us by showing the beautiful things of nature and the true values of life.

With the Light of the Universal Teachings , we can recognize and respect each other as true brothers and sisters. The mission of the União do Vegetal, wherever it is, is to bring Peace, uniting people regardless of their nationality, race, social class and ideology.

We must always remember that our principal work is to cultivate a living feeling of brotherhood within us. Spiritual knowledge should serve to improve our way of being, the way we live and how we are with one another. The most important thing in our Center is the enchantment that we find in our Sessions, in our friendships and in our positive interactions with each other.

One of the biggest commitments of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal is to prepare spiritualized leaders, capable of working for the Symbol of the União: Light, Peace and Love. Only in this way can we fulfill the high objective of keeping our Mestre’s presence alive among us.

Long Live the União do Vegetal!

Long Live July 22nd!

*Paulo Afonso Amato Condé is the General Representative Mestre of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal.

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