15th Region of the UDV holds a Couples’ Encounter

“The true step that you can take in life is to create love in the heart that lasts a lifetime.”

Eldo Rodrigues de Oliveira*

| July 13th, 2018

Couples in front of the Temple of the Nucleo Sereno de Luz, in Vilhena-RO | Photo Esthefany Guedes de Queiroz

In a climate of love and companionship, the 15th Region (that covers the south-central region of the state of Rondônia) of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal promoted the Region’s First Couples’ Encounter from the June 30th to July 1st, 2018, at Núcleo Sereno de Luz (Vilhena-RO).

The activity, that relied upon the participation of 116 couples, is attuned with the orientation of the General Representative Mestre, Paulo Afonso Amato Condé, of having a greater focus on the families of our Center, making strengthening family union and ties of friendship an objective, establishing families that are better structured and conscious of their responsibilities and commitments.

In a climate of union, celebrating the noble sentiment of love that comes strengthening the experience couples’ experience as they conduct of their families on the path of good, the event’s program consisted of a reception for the couples, photographic registries, a dinner, and, at 8pm, a meeting directed by Adolfo Mura (member of the Cadre of Mestres of the Nucleo Senhora Santana, in Campo Grande-MS) in the light of the moon.

Mestre Adolfo brought orientations to the couples, supported by the words of his companion, Counselor Gloria Mura, about the couple’s experience and the necessity for both to know themselves in order to have harmony and to strengthen the marriage, the family and the home, in conformity with the doctrine of the União do Vegetal; having a sincere, peaceful, loving and enduring life together.

In the morning of the following day, a delicious breakfast was served and, shortly after, the couples drove themselves to the coastal resort Por do Sol, where group activities and musical presentations were held, that brought to mind the moments of dating, of engagement, and the difficulties overcome in marriage, as well as the good and valuable achievements in the couples’ journey. These group activities brought joy for and recognition of the importance of each other’s companion for the equilibrium of the couple. A lunch at 2PM marked the closing of the event.

The encounter awoke a feeling of goodwill in the peoples’ hearts, recognizing, in the teachings of Mestre Gabriel, the light that illuminates our steps and that indicates the true path of love.

*Eldo Rodrigues de Oliveira is Central Mestre of the 15th Region of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal.

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