UDV renews its leadership for the 2024-2027 triennium

| January 9th, 2024

Photo: Álvaro Botelho.

On January 6th, 2024, the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal renewed its leadership for the 2024-2027 triennium. At the UDV’s General Headquarters in Brasília-DF, the new General Representative Mestre, Jair Gabriel da Costa, took office, together with the new General Assistant Mestres, the new Central Mestres of the Regions, the President of the General Directorate (DG), as well as the other members of the DG, in addition to the members of the DG’s Fiscal Council.

After being in the place of General Representative Mestre for three years, the highest authority within the UDV hierarchy, Mestre José Carlos Garcia transmitted the responsibility to Mestre Jair Gabriel da Costa during a Session of the Vegetal, who shortly after gave office to the General Assistant Mestres, the Central Mestres of each Region (see the list below), and the General Directorate. He also gave office to the Representative Mestre in the General Headquarters, Mestre Ruy Fabiano.

On January 6th, in the 224  Núcleos of the União do Vegetal in Brazil and abroad, new Representative Mestres, Directorates and Fiscal Councils also took office.


  • Clovis Cavalieri Rodrigues de Carvalho
  • Edson Lodi Campos Soares
  • Edison Saraiva Neves
  • Ivan Luiz Evangelista de Souza
  • João Luiz Cotta Neto
  • José de Anchieta Torreão de Sá


1st Region: Carmiro Gabriel da Costa
2nd Region: Vladimir Marques Passos
3rd Region: Victor Luiz de Figueiredo Martins
4th Region: Renato de Albuquerque Arléo Barbosa
5th Region: Flávio Alencar de Carvalho Borges
6th Region: Djalma Reis Junior
7th Region: Jeniscan Oliveira da Costa
8th Region: Pedro Neves Castro Da Rós
9th Region: João Bosco Carneiro Xavier
10th Region: Darley José Queiroz Melo
11th Region: Luiz Martins Bomfim Filho
12th Region: Julvan Rezende Araújo Lacerda
13th Region: Adolfo Vitor Mura
14th Region: Adalberto Aleixo Teixeira
15th Region: Claiton Neey da Silva
16th Region: André Luiz Nova Silva
17th Region: Anassaildes de Souza Lima
18th Region: Tadeo Farias Feijão
19th Region: Antonio Lopes Cristóvão


President: Maurício Divisati Otaviani Bernis – Núcleo São João Batista, Mairiporã-SP, 3rd Region
Vice-President of Prosperar: Glycon Garcia Júnior – Núcleo Grande Ventura, Jarinu-SP, 3rd Region
Operational Vice-President: Everaldo Paulo de Azevedo Filho – Núcleo Luz do Oriente, Brazlândia-DF, 8th Region
Financial Vice-President: Daniel dos Santos Silva – General Headquarters, Brasília-DF
Vice-President of Departments and DRDGs: Ricardo Zapala Wetter – Núcleo Florestal, Alta Floresta-MT, 13th Region
Vice-President of the International Field: Tai Brook Bixby – Núcleo Santa Fé, Santa Fé-New Mexico (EUA), 18th Region
Vice-President of IT: Magno Almeida Ramos – Núcleo Mestre Bartolomeu, Porto Velho-RO, 1st Region< Vice-President General Headquarters: Salomão Taumaturgo Marques – General Headquarters, Brasília-DF General Secretary: Paola Torres Pinto de Souza – Núcleo Flor Encantadora, Sabará-MG, 12th Region
Adjunct Secretary: Jeanny de Jesus Ferreira da Luz – Núcleo Rei Hoasqueiro, Brasília-DF, 8th Region
Adjunct Secretary of the International Field: Toni Nicole Spoliansky – Núcleo Jardim Florescendo, Hawthorne-Florida (EUA), 18th Region
General Treasurer: José Radier de Sousa – General Headquarters, Brasília-DF
Adjunct Treasurer: Ivan Couto dos Santos – Núcleo Luz do Oriente, Brazlândia-DF, 8th Region
Official Orator: Maria Ivone de Castro Menão – General Headquarters, Brasília-DF

President: Thiago Marinho e Silva – Núcleo Príncipe Teceu, Brasília-DF, 8th Region
1st member: Samuel Simoni Silveira – General Headquarters, Brasília-DF
2nd member: Luis Fernando Pereira Maia – General Headquarters, Brasília-DF
1st alternate: Daniel Coutinho Wider – Núcleo Príncipe Teceu, Brasília-DF, 8th Region
2nd alternate: Carlos Henrryque Sousa Barros – Núcleo Príncipe Teceu, Brasília-DF, 8th Region
3rd alternate: Arthur Menna Barreto Neves – General Headquarters, Brasília-DF

Photo: Daniel Viana.


On January 7th, 2024, at the General Headquarters, the Council of General Administration (Conage) met and elected the Mestres that will make up the Council for this triennium: Almir Jodat Nahas, Mário Lúcio de Souza and Edison Luis Guedes Neves. Furthermore, the Mestres indicated by the General Representative Mestre to be part of Conage were:Mestres Kleber Almeida Freitas e Joaquim Trindade Vieira.

In addition to the Mestres that were elected and indicated, the Conage also consists of the General Representative Mestre and his General Assistant Mestres; the Representative Mestre in the General Headquarters, Ruy Fabiano Baptista Rabello; the members of the Council of the Recordation of the Teachings of Mestre Gabriel (Raimundo Monteiro de Souza, Roberto Souto Maior, Francisco Herculano de Oliveira and José Luiz de Oliveira); the Central Mestres; the Mestres that have already occupied the place of General Representative Mestre (José Carlos Garcia, Luís Felipe Belmonte dos Santos and Paulo Afonso Amato Condé); the President of the General Directorate, Maurício Divisati Otaviani Bernis; and the permanent members of the Council (Mário Rodrigues Filho and Carlos Teodoro José Hugueney Irigaray).

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