Seed Bank of Mariri and Chacrona: preserving a treasure

Rosana Campos*

| March 20th, 2019

The Seed Bank has the objective to maintain the quality of our sacred plants. In the picture, the Chacrona is highlighted, whose leaves are used in the preparation of the Hoasca Tea | Photo: DPMA

In September 2018, the Council of General Administration (Conage)of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal created and approved the Seed Bank Network (BMR) project with the objective of developing a genetic conservation program for Mariri and Chacrona, in view of the risk represented by increasing deforestation. This important and long dreamed of project, today becomes reality with the beginning of the implementation of the first location of the Network at Núcleo Jardim da Realeza, in Vila Santa Luzia, in Cruzeiro do Sul (AC). The Núcleo was chosen based on technical studies, which pointed out the favorable environment of preserved forest owned by the União do Vegetal and the wide genetic diversity of Chacrona and Mariri in the region.

The project predicts the location of the native populations of Mariri and Chacrona in the region, where genetic material will be collected, with seedlings being produced in a nursery and their cultivation taking place in the forest area of ​​the Núcleo. All information obtained in the collection, nursery and field deployment phases will be kept in a database available for consultation by persons authorized by the General Direction of the UDV.

The negotiations for installation began on December 15th and 16th, 2018, and the Bank intends to ensure that the diversity of our sacred plants remains available to those responsible for planting and to all future generations. “The implementation of this first Seed Bank is a milestone in the history of the Center and an important achievement of all who are dedicating themselves to this victorious journey. The choice of location is seen as the correct decision because the place is really conducive to this project. I felt a fraternal welcome from the Direction and the irmandade and I see the disposition of everyone for the realization of this project,” commented Reinaldo Osmar Pereira, Director of the Department of Plantation and Environment (DPE) of the General Directorate and member of the Cadre of Mestres in Núcleo Lupunamanta (Campinas-SP).

In the words of Armínio Pontes, Administrative Coordinator of the Seed Bank Network Project and Representative Mestre of Núcleo Menino Deus (Manaus-AM), “the UDV’s Seed Bank is a treasure, of which the brothers and sisters of N. Jardim da Realeza will be the guardians.” Pontes sees the choice of the location as being positive, with the necessary structure and physical conditions, as well as the motivated and committed people. “Above all, I perceive the feeling of love and care of the brothers and sisters of N. Jardim da Realeza, necessary ingredients to begin this work of great importance in the Center,” he said.


Marcio Silveira Armando, a member of the Instructive Body of Núcleo Canário Verde (Brasília-DF) and Technical-Scientific Coordinator of the Seed Bank Network, said that “the cultivation of the Mariri and Chacrona near the place where they are native is to preserve them in environments where they feel good and can express their best characteristics.”

According to Maria Alice Corrêa, a member of the Body of Counsel of Núcleo Alto das Cordilheiras (Campinas-SP) and a member of the BMR training team, the implementation of the Seed Bank Network in Cruzeiro do Sul is the result of several alignment conversations between the technical team, always accompanied by the supervision of the General Representation and the General Directorate, “which gives us security, seeking simplification of procedures and care with this work. It is an area that indicates conditions for ease of access, water and forest with a profile that considers the needs of the project, organization, leadership and a good local team,” he noted.

José Beethoven Figueiredo Barbosa, from the Seed Bank Network training team and Vice-Director of the Scientific Research of the DPMA, said that he feels that the interest and dedication of the irmandade of Núcleo Jardim da Realeza in the execution of this mission, “is of fundamental importance so that we have success.”

*Rosana Campos is a member of the Body of Counsel of Núcleo Jardim da Realeza (Cruzero do Sul-AC) and secretary of the Seed Bank.

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