On the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Mestre Gabriel, the confirmation that the União do Vegetal is a safe harbor

| February 10th, 2022

José Carlos Garcia*

Illustration: Rafael Pita

On February 10th, 1922, the boy José Gabriel da Costa was born, in Coração de Maria (BA), already announcing, from the place where he was born, his close connection with the Blessed Virgin Mother.

The boy who already sought, in his childhood, to unite people, grew in wisdom and found his path which would become our path.

Due to his fine connection with the Power, He was given the mission of recreating the União do Vegetal, with the noble purpose of bringing peace to the world.

In the beginning, so often, his hands touched the two sacred plants that, united in mystery, over time, have brought the opportunity to show us all that it’s possible to perfectly and completely feel his sincerest intentions.

It is time to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Mestre Gabriel, a life that is relived each time we take communion of Sacred Hoasca Tea.

Mestre Gabriel lives in all those who contribute to the peace found in his Work, in all those who are aware of the need for them to be messengers of this peace.

This man, who led his life fulfilling principles with a high spiritual degree, shows us, throughout many moments of learning, that through simplicity it is possible to reach greatness.

At this moment, I raise my thoughts to this Great Mestre so that this date of the 100th Anniversary of his Birth can once again confirm with firmness and conviction in the hearts of his disciples, that the União do Vegetal is a safe harbor. At the same time, I ask for everyone to feel that the best gift we can give Him is the clear awareness that what unites us must be stronger than what separates us.

May we remain united, honoring this Great Guide who leads us to the knowledge that we are all brothers and sisters.

May this Mestre live in our lives!

May this Mestre live in our hearts!

May this Mestre live in our consciousness!

*José Carlos Garcia is the General Representative Mestre of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal.