The 58 years of the União do Vegetal

Blog team

| July 1, 2019

General Headquarters, Brasilia-DF | Photo: Bento Viana.

This upcoming July 22nd, the União do Vegetal will turn 58 years old. Born in the rubber tapping regions of the Amazon in 1961, on the border of Brazil with Bolivia, the UDV arrived in the city of Porto Velho, Rondônia, in 1965 through the hands of its founder, José Gabriel da Costa (Mestre Gabriel) and his family. Since then, always motivated by its objective of making a peace in the world, the União do Vegetal has come organizing itself and growing in a firm and orderly way since. Currently, the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal is present in 11 countries with approximately 22 thousand associates.

Following this order, since its 57th anniversary, eight Núcleos and five Authorized Distributions of Vegetal (DAVs) were inaugurated in Brazil, in Spain, and in Australia. Among these inaugurations, we highlight that of Núcleo Mestre Pequenina, in Porto Velho, RO, in homage to the matriarch of the União do Vegetal, Raimunda Ferreira da Costa (Mestre Pequenina), who, alongside Mestre Gabriel and their children, faced the difficulties of living in the rubber tapping regions, and continued caring for this Work until she passed away (on October 2nd, 2016), teaching us the value of this Treasure that Mestre Gabriel gave us: the União do Vegetal.

Below is a list of Núcleos and DAVs that have been inaugurated since July of 2018:

9/7/2018 – Núcleo Encanto da Natureza, Patrocínio – MG – 8 rd Region

9/20/2018 – DAV of Pelotas, Pelotas – Rio Grande do Sul – 9th Region

9/27/2018 – Núcleo Mestre Mário Piacentini, Araçariguama – São Paulo – 3rd Region

9/28/2018 – Núcleo Mestre Pequenina, Porto Velho – Rondônia – 1st Region

10/12/2018 – DAV of Luziânia – Goiás – 8th Region

10/18/2018 – Núcleo Mestre Antônio Gabriel, Camaçari – Bahia – 4th Region

12/8/2018 – Núcleo Caminho da Luz, Parauapebas – Pará – 14th Region

1/12/2019 – Núcleo Santana dos Olhos D’Água, Camaçari – Bahia – 4th Region

1/26/2019 – Núcleo Luz da Natureza, Mayield – New South Wales, Australia – 1st Region of Europe and Oceania

4/21/2019 – DAV of Viçosa do Ceará, Viçosa do Ceará – Ceará – 11th Region

4/21/2019 – DAV of Ingaí, Ingaí – Minas Gerais – 12th Region

5/29/2019 – Núcleo Valencia, Valencia – Spain – 1st Region of Europe and Oceania

6/23/2019 – DAV of Imbaú, Imbaú – Paraná – 9th Region.

In this month of July, when we commemorate 58 years of the UDV, we celebrate with these Núcleos and DAVs and with all of the irmandade of the União do Vegetal.