General Headquarters, 39 Nucleos and DAVs from the UDV generate electrical energy from the Sun

Hugo Leite*
Jocimar Nastari**

| April 11, 2023

The generation of electricity from Sunlight is significantly present at the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal. Currently, the General Headquarters (Brasília-DF), 36 Nucleos in Brazil and one in Australia, an Authorized Distribution of Vegetal (DAV) in Brazil and another in the United States have photovoltaic generation equipment. Three other Nucleos are in the process of installing this type of electricity production system.

Photovoltaic generation is done through solar panels that transform sunlight directly into electrical energy. These small-scale plants generate electricity in a clean, sustainable, and renewable way, in addition to greatly reducing the consumption of electricity at the General Headquarters, Nucleos and the DAVs. The reduction in cost is between 70% and 90% of monthly expenses compared to when using electricity.

In 2012, Nucleo Princesa Mariana (Maceió-AL) was the first to implement the generation of electricity from the Sun. The General Headquarters system was one of the most recent and went into operation in early January 2023.

With eight Nucleos, Bahia is the state in which the UDV generates the most electricity. Next comes Minas Gerais and Acre with six and five Nucleos, respectively, which have or are installing photovoltaic generation. In the Federal District, in addition to the General Headquarters, three Nucleos generate photovoltaic energy, a number equal to that of the State of São Paulo.

In Australia and the United States, Nucleo Luz da Natureza (Mayfield – New South Wales) and the Authorized Distribution of Hawaii (Maui – State of Hawaii), respectively, have photovoltaic systems installed. In these two locations, 100% of the electricity consumed comes from photovoltaic production.

Throughout 2022, the number of UDV Nucleos in Brazil that started generating electricity from photovoltaic panels increased greatly, due to the legal incentive that expired on January 7 of this year.

Photovoltaic Generation

A photovoltaic system uses solar radiation to generate electricity. It is based on the so-called photoelectric effect, through which certain materials arranged in plates are capable of absorbing photons (luminous particles) and releasing electrons, generating an electrical current.

Homes, businesses, and other legal entities that consume energy, such as religious entities, generate photovoltaic electricity that is consumed internally. If the energy is not enough to meet the monthly consumption, these places receive electricity from the energy companies and pay for it. If they generate more electricity than they consume, the excess is passed on to the power company’s transmission system, thus generating cash credits that are deducted from their monthly electricity bills.


*Hugo Leite is a member of the Cadre of Mestres of Nucleo Flor de Maria (Maceió – AL) and Vice-president of the General Directorate of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal.


**Jocimar Nastari is a member of the Body of Counsel of the General Headquarters (Brasília – DF) and Vice-director of External Communications for the Department of Memory and Communication (DMC) of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal.