Mestre Braga turns 87 years old

Today, Raimundo Carneiro Braga (Mestre Braga) is turning 87 years old. Mestre Braga assisted Mestre Gabriel in organizing the UDV, during the 1960s, in Porto Velho (RO). Since then, he has dedicated his life to the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal. He occupied the place of General Representative Mestre for two periods, from 1979 to 1982 and from 1988 to 1993, and he is also a member of the Council of the Recordation of the Teachings of Mestre Gabriel. Currently, he is one of the General Assistant Mestres, who has the function of helping the General Representative Mestre, Clóvis Cavalieri Rodrigues de Carvalho, in the assistance of the many nucleos of the UDV.

Mestre Braga: a life dedicated to the UDV

“Many are the qualities that can describe the person of Mestre Braga, but worth highlighting are his confidence, firmness, capacity to lead, and his sense of Justice. On more than a few occaisions, within the Force and Light of the Vegetal, I had the opportunity to feel his connection with the Mestre, which inspired in me and in many of us the search for this connection, of this confidence, and of this principal of Justice, with fraternal love in our heart.”

The quote above is part of the text, “Mestre Braga: a life dedicated to the UDV” by the General Assistant Mestre, Luis Felipe Belmonte dos Santos, and was published by the UDV Blog on Mestre Braga’s birthday last year. To read the material in its entirety, click here.

Mestre of the Origin Series

Below, watch the video with the interview of Mestre Braga for the Mestre of the Origin Series produced by the Center’s Departments of Memory and Communication: