Mestre Pequenina turns 88 years old

Today, September 28th, 2016, Raimunda Ferreira da Costa, Mestre Pequenina, is turning 88 years old. The wife of José Gabriel da Costa, Mestre Gabriel, Mestre Pequenina has an active participation in the União do Vegetal. Her importance to the UDV is recognized by everyone and by Mestre Gabriel who frequently affirmed: “I created the União do Vegetal together with Pequenina”.
Click here and watch the interview of Mestre Pequenina in the Mestres of the Origin Series.
On the 24th of this month, a Session of the Vegetal was realized at Nucleo Mestre Iagora (Porto Velho-RO), which was directed by Conselheira Jandira Gabriel (daughter of Mestre Pequenina and Mestre Gabriel) to celebrate the birthday of Mestre Pequenina. The following day, also at Nucleo Mestre Iagora, a festive lunch was realized with the presence of the UDV brotherhood and relatives. Mestre Pequenina did not participate in the session or in the lunch because she is recovering her health. These two activities happened at the request of Mestre Pequenina herself.
On behalf of the General Representation, the UDV Blog takes the opportunity to wish Mestre Pequenina prosperity and a speedy recovery of her health; and to the family of Mestre Pequenina, our sincere gratitude for allowing us to embrace her in our hearts as the great mother that she is to all of us members of this Sacred Union.
See below the video produced last year in honor of the Mestre Pequenina’s 87th birthday:
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Happy Birthday to Mestre Pequenina, who was instrumental in the recreation of the União do Vegetal. I am grateful for her work, light and dedication to the União and to Mestre Gabriel throughout their life together and beyond.