Homage to Mestre Carmiro Gabriel da Costa

| March 15, 2024

Conselheira Mitonha and family*

Carmiro Gabriel da Costa was born on June 4th, 1957, in Seringal Orion (name of that particular rubber-tapping region of the Amazon Rainforest), in the placement known as Pau Furado (Punctured Stick). He was the son of José Gabriel da Costa (Mestre Gabriel) and Raymunda Ferreira da Costa (Mestre Pequenina).

Mestre Gabriel was expecting the birth of a girl, to whom he would have given the name Carmiranda, in honor of a singer that he very much admired. Meanwhile, after the baby was born and he discovered it was a boy, he decided to name the baby Carmiro.

Mestre Carmiro was a person of strong character and personality, who had many virtues. Among them stood out authenticity, which made friends and family recognize him as someone special. One of his trademarks was that he liked bringing joy to any environment. It was common to see him surrounded by people enthralled by the stories he was telling.

Childhood in the Seringal

Mestre Carmiro grew up in the Seringal, in the middle of nature and the forests that he loved so much. He recalled, that in November 1961, at the age of 4, he drank the Vegetal for the first time, receiving it from the hands of his father and mestre, Mestre Gabriel. He had remarkable experiences with the Vegetal in the Serginal, which he always kept in his memory.

It was in the Seringal that Mestre Carmiro began to form his character, with the teachings from his parents. His adventures from that time are so many that they would give rise to a book of short stories. He told stories described with great detail, bringing together memories of his time with Mestre Gabriel, Mestre Pequenina and his siblings.

União do Vegetal

Mestre Carmiro kept alive within himself the essence of the simplicity of the União do Vegetal. He is one of the first brothers, witnessing the birth of the União do Vegetal within his family.

Upon arriving to Porto Velho, at the beginning 1965, at the age of 8, he accompanied the formation of the União do Vegetal in that city. He continued drinking the Vegetal frequently, alongside his inseparable sister Jandira. Together, they had the mission of taking care of their younger siblings (Salomão, Abomir, Roséo and Bemvino) during the sessions, making sure they were okay.

In the morning, before going to school, they would clean up the people’s vomit. They were often late for school, especially on Thursdays, after the sessions held on Wednesdays. After the teacher’s third complaint, Mestre Pequenina spoke with Mestre Gabriel, who promptly instituted the tithe that is used to purchase cleaning supplies for the hygiene of the salon, making Carmiro and Jandira’s work easier and also holding the [UDV] brothers and sisters accountable.

Mestre Gabriel’s material absence and formation of the family

When Mestre Gabriel disincarnated, Carmiro was just 14 years old. Although young, he took on important responsibilities alongside his mother, Mestre Pequenina, helping during the most difficult times in his father’s absence. Carmiro would go out to hunt (one of his specialties) to be able to provide food for his mother and siblings.

He was always by Mestre Pequenina’s side, being a beloved and devoted son. He had a deep sense of paternal respect for his brother Getúlio, as it was he who took his father’s place and helped raise his younger siblings.

On March 28th, 1981, he married Maria Antonia Lima da Costa, known as Ms. Mitonha, with whom he had four children: Carmiro Junior, Laura, Leonardo and Cristiano. All are married and members of the Direction of the União do Vegetal.

When speaking of Mestre Carmiro, it is essential to mention his faithful companion, Conselheira Mitonha. Alongside a great man, there is always a great woman, daughter-in-law of Mestre Gabriel and Mestre Pequenina, a hardworking, discreet woman with a good heart.
Together, Mestre Carmiro and Conselheira Mitonha, raised their children in a way that serves as a reference. And today, all their children continue participating in this work of the União.

Trajectory in the União do Vegetal

In April of 1983, he was convoked to the Cadre of Mestres in Núcleo Mestre Iagora, where he was a founding member and the first President. In 1989, he became the Representative of the Núcleo. He also was Representative Mestre of Núcleo Palmeiral (in Guajará-Mirim, Rondônia – in 1996) and responded for the Representation of Núcleo Templo de Salomão (in Porto Velho) from March 2016 to January 6th, 2018. Mestre Carmiro was also a founding member of two other núcleos in the 1st Region: Núcleo Caminho do Mestre (2007) and, in honor of his mother, Núcleo Mestre Pequenina (2018). He also occupied the place of Assistant Central Mestre (2015 to 2018) and, currently, was the Central Mestre of the 1st Region.

Mestre Carmiro, in leadership positions within the UDV, demonstrated a work of Reconciliation, bringing closeness and promoting a full sense of unity, encouraging forgiveness and harmony among all.

He had a connection with the Story of Hoasca, which he was always able to tell. He would say that a Mestre has to always be prepared to tell it. He knew the stories of the UDV by heart, which he learned in session, as well as many chamadas by Mestre Gabriel, Mestre Pequenina and other Mestres, attributing much of his learning to his mother and brother, Mestre Jair Gabriel.

Mestre Carmiro’s Departure

On March 3rd, 2025, Mestre Carmiro Gabriel da Costa departed this plane for the spiritual world. It was peaceful, on his farm, in his bed, near the forest, a place where he felt very good and close to nature.

He leaves behind saudades, lots of them! A reference in the União of principles and loyalty to the Mestre.

With certainty that the Mestre watched over him at all moments, he will always be in the memory of everyone that shared life with him. May God comfort the hearts of his relatives, his friends and his brothers and sisters in the UDV, giving us acceptance and joy, which he valued so much.

Conselheira Mitonha (Maria Antonia Lima da Costa) is a member of the Body of Counsel of Núcleo Caminho do Mestre (Porto Velho – RO, 1st Region);

Carmiro Gabriel da Costa Junior is a member of the Cadre of Mestres of Núcleo Caminho do Mestre;

Leonardo Gabriel Lima da Costa is a member of the Cadre of Mestres of Núcleo Caminho do Mestre;

Laura Gabriela Lima da Costa Mourão is a member of the Body of Counsel of Núcleo Caminho do Mestre;

Cristiano Gabriel Lima da Costa is a member of the Body of Counsel of Núcleo Caminho do Mestre and is the Local Monitor for the Department of Memory and Communication (DMC).

Conselheira Jandira Gabriel and the Direction of Núcleo Erunaiá

We are spiritists and we know about the immortality of the spirit and the plentitude of life. However, when a person who is dear to us disincarnates, especially when it is sudden, the feelings of loss and suffering are inevitable. As our Mestre taught us “we are a depository of feelings”.

Interestingly, we observe that in the most difficult moments, God finds ways to bring us strength and comfort, offering us one of his most beautiful gifts: sincere friendship! It is in this sentiment that we write these simple lines, to manifest our feelings of gratitude to the General Direction – especially to Mestre Edson Lodi, to the General Directorate, and to so many brothers and sisters, Mestres, and Counselors, who in this delicate moment are showing us their care and solidarity.

Conformation, which arrives to us through time, comes from the Heights, from the Divine Force. But the touch of friendship, watered with tenderness, understanding and affection, brings encouragement to the heart, making it easier for us to move forward. In this way, we extend our feelings of gratitude and ask that they be received with our sincere recognition. With wishes of Light, Peace, and Love.