Letter from Mestre Edison Saraiva to Mestre Pequenina

Brasília, October 4, 2016
Mestre Pequenina, dear friend.
In the format of a letter, because you are very much alive, I express the sentiment that belongs to the many, many people that arrived in this house, which is very much yours, people like me, who arrived with an uncertain destiny. From the small, Sierra town of Meruoca in Ceará, with its lovely weather, to the legendary Amazônia, a long crossing of pain, overcoming barriers, faith and hope were awaiting you.
You endured, became victorious, and arrived at the final destination of your honorable mission, teaching the Caianinhos that as hard as a test may be, with Spirituality, everything can be overcome.
In your farewell song,* you left your message alive, a reflection of your childlike heart, which you never forgot. The beaten path of the road, the temperance of your wants, the safe steps with eyes open, searching for joy to follow here and there singing verses of liberty and transformation. We wish you the highest commendation of a Spiritist. Upon your return, may you come with full memory of this incarnation. May you begin at the height that you reached in this Story of the Counselor of the King. May you return with your consciousness clear in search to fully discover the Secrets and Mysteries of Hoasca. And when we see each other, may those here revere you and recognize the Great Woman Pequenina that you were and are.
With Saudades and Gratitude,
Edison Saraiva**
* The music quoted is Reino das Flores (Kingdom of Flowers) by Sandra Brito, and can be heard by clicking here.
**Member of Council of General Administration of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal.