An Homage to Mestre Glacus de Souza Brito

On November 21st, 2016, Mestre Glacus de Souza Brito, associate of Nucleo Samauma (Araçariguma-SP), passed away at the age of 58. A doctor and researcher, dedicated to his profession and to the União do Vegetal, he was one of the planners for the “Hoasca Project” – the first large study of the effects of Hoasca Tea in human beings, and whose results were fundamental to the legalization of the use of the Vegetal in Brazil and abroad. The UDV Blog pays homage to Mestre Glacus with the publication of two texts that may be accessed in the links below:

Mestre Glacus, arms open towards good, text by Else Piacentini Medeiros Fortunato.

Mestre Glacus, dedication to the Work of Mestre Gabriel, text by Otávio Castello.

Chain of Good
Friends and family of mestre Glacus de Souza Brito organized an online action to assist in the payment of the health treatment costs and to assist the family. Click here and learn how to contribute.