A Fruit-Laden Tree: the UDV around the World

Cristina da Luz*

| July 19, 2017

Photo: Bento Viana.

For 55 years, the seed initially planted by Mestre José Gabriel da Costa in the Amazon Forest has thrived in a sustained and continuous way toward the ideal of establishing peace on Earth. On July 15, 2017, at Fazenda Vale Dourado (in the municipality of Luziânia, state of Goiás, Brazil), leading authorities of the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal hoisted a large flagpole in the shape of a fruit-laden tree with the flags of Brazil and 10 countries, representing the presence of UDV associates internationally and the increasing search for the Vegetal around the world. On this occasion, a new step was taken based on the pledge to fulfil Mestre Gabriel’s words.

With its intent of ‘firmly walking our path with loving words’, the Hymn to the Flag of the União do Vegetal was the starting point of the Meeting of the International Commission of the União do Vegetal, held at the call of General Representative Mestre Clovis Cavalieri Rodrigues de Carvalho, and chaired by General Assistant Mestre Luiz Felipe Belmonte dos Santos. The aims of this meeting were to work to maintain harmony and tranquility among UDV associates, and to enhance the current guidelines that provide for the UDV expansion beyond Brazilian borders.

Mestre Clovis’ opening words guided the meeting’s attendees toward the meaning and dimension of the responsibilities involved in the forthcoming work, which must be developed in a balanced manner wherever the União do Vegetal may be present in the world, as a reference in the responsible use of the Vegetal.

The meeting addressed legal, institutional and social aspects of Hoasca and its communion internationally, and referred the necessary tasks and measures to be adopted in order to preserve tranquility among UDV members, so they may adequately develop their activities at the Núcleos and Authorized Distributions of Vegetal in all Brazilian states and the Federal District, and internationally in Australia, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States.

* CDC Member, Núcleo Pupuramanta, 5th Region (Rio de Janeiro, RJ).

Translation by: Dermeval de Sena Aires Júnior – Instructive Body, N. Canário Verde, 8th Region (Brasilia, DF).

Revision by: Ryan Glassmoyer, Instructive Body – N. San Francisco, California – 1st region USA.