The people of God in search of Peace
| Octuber 27, 2021
Almir Nahas*
In his attitude, doctrine and practice, Mestre Gabriel demonstrated respect for different religious traditions and defined with clarity the essential objective of the UDV: to build a world of peace. Based on this, an ecumenical meeting was organized as part of the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the União do Vegetal’s Recreation to bring together leaders from different religious traditions to answer a basic question: “According to your belief, how can religion contribute to Peace and Reconciliation amongst men.”
Over the course of a few months, priests and spokespersons from various religious institutions were contacted. The meeting was initially planned to be an in-person event but due to the current circumstances it had to be adjusted. With the invaluable support of DMC volunteers, testimonies were recorded and edited and assembled into a video that will be make available after today…
Some of the speakers were aware of the UDV and showed their appreciation for the work of the UDV. Others had a more superficial knowledge of the Center, but willingly left their message of congratulations to our irmandade. The result is a mosaic of reflections and testimonies of how people that profess to different religions are in some form working, in different ways, towards the same goal: to promote peace and fraternity, religious tolerance, and to do good amongst their fellow human beings.
It is registered here the recognition of the entire team, which included leaders and disciples from different regions of the UDV, under the direct supervision of M. Edson Lodi. This is yet another gift for the irmandade of the União do Vegetal, integrating the celebrations of this festive year, in which, on July 22, 2021 this religion turns 60 years.
*Almir Nahas is a member of the Cadre of Mestres and the Council of Administration of the União do Vegetal.