Núcleo Mestre Cícero was was born from a seed planted in the heart
Maria Raimunda de Aguiar Marçal*
Josiane Maria de Aguiar Marçal*
| June 5th, 2018
“In Presidente Médici a Núcleo of the União will be born”. With these words, Mestre Cícero Alexandre Lopes planted a seed in the heart of some of the brothers and sisters that years later would bring about the start of Núcleo Mestre Cícero, which is completing 32 years since its foundation this June 5th, 2018. The name and the anniversary date of the Núcleo are in honor of this gentleman, Mestre Cícero, who “prophesized” about the creation of one more Núcleo of the UDV and who, today, would be turning 89 years old.
When he arrived in Ji-Paraná (RO), Mestre Cícero received the Representation of Núcleo Estrela Guia which, at that time (in the 1970s), was already attending to some people that lived in the municipality of Presidente Médici (RO) and drank the Vegetal in Núcleo Estrela Guia. Seeing the effort of those brothers and sisters, in traveling from one city to another, Mestre Cícero foresaw the creation of a Núcleo in Presidente Médici and captivated the first brothers and sisters.
One of those was Mr. Edson Nogueira Cintra, who at that time, was associated at Núcleo Estrela Guia, and resided at Linha 124 of KM 30, in Presidente Médici. Assisted by the Núcleo and with the authorization of Mestre Cícero, he made a plantation of Chacrona on his property. This was another demonstration of trust that Mestre Cícero gave to that small group, which was slowly forming itself.
The Mariri was harvested in the nearby forests and the transport was done via a cart pulled by a donkey or carried on peoples’ backs in the forest until reaching the road. When they would hold preparos in the forest, inside of the Chacronal, the furnaces/ovens were dug in the ground and springs from trucks were used to support the pots. The water was pumped from wells by hand with a winch. In this environment, surrounded by simplicity, the Vegetal was prepared and taken to Núcleo Estrela Guia.
| Mestre Cícero, a northeastern caboclo in Amazônia
Salon with a dirt floor
In the 1980’s, Edson received authorization to prepare the Vegetal with his family at his home, still at Linha 124. The following associates, all from Núcleo Estrela Guia, participated: his companion, Maria Antonia Cintra; the couple João Costa de Jesus and Marlene Antônia Cantão de Jesus (Maria Antonia’s sister); and Carlos Roberto Pereira da Silva. Slowly, the people from the region of Linha 124 became aware that there was a man (Edson) who drank the “tea there at 30” and they began getting interested in getting to know the Vegetal. With the number of brothers and sisters increasing, the space in the house became too small, and the brothers and sisters came together to build a salon on Mr. Edson and Ms. Maria’s property. The first salon, still with a dirt floor, was inaugurated on December 24th, 1990. It was Christmas Eve.
Creation of the DAV
The number of brothers and sisters that were already attending sessions there was sufficient to authorize a Distribution of Vegetal and, for this reason, Mestre Francisco Herculano de Oliveira, who was Central Mestre of the 1st Region at the time, and Mestre Raimundo Carneiro Braga, who was General Representative Mestre at the time, authorized the Distribution of Vegetal of Presidente Médici on April 21st, 1991. At that time, Mr. Edson was already in the Body of Counsel of Núcleo Estrela Guia and was 57 years old.
With the authorization of the DAV, the brothers and sisters that drank the Vegetal in the home of Ms. Maria began associating in the Center. At that time, there was still no formalized directorate, but some associates carried out the functions of the President, Treasurer and Secretary. Years later, in 1994, the first Directorate was elected. The first President was then Counselor Orival Antonio Marçal. The first constructions began: kitchen, bathrooms and ovens/furnaces.
Mestre Cícero Alexandre Lopes disincarnated on October 4th, 1994, two years prior to the elevation of the DAV to a Pre-núcleo. On December 24th, 1996, the DAV was transformed into Pre-núcleo Mestre Cícero. It was Christmas Eve. The light of Baby Jesus shone, and our hearts were filled with joy by the homage to our dear friend of the heart. It was special and unforgettable date. The fulfillment of Mestre Cicero’s dream and the effort of each brother and sister. On this day, Mestre Edson received the shirt of the Representative Mestre of Pre-núcleo Mestre Cícero. Counselors Adenir Luiz Bazzi and Carlos Roberto Pereira da Silva were convoked to the Cadre of Mestres.
Donation of Land
At Linha 124, we experienced good moments and made good friends. With Mestre Edson’s move to the municipality of Seringueiras, Rondônia, Mestre Orival received the Representation of the Pre-núcleo. And since the majority of the irmandade lived in the city, the City Council donated a piece of land in within the city limits to us so that we could construct a new headquarters for Pre-núcleo Mestre Cícero.
On June 24th, 2000, led by Mestre Auzomiro José da Costa (President at that time), our small irmandade of 23 associates began erecting the first walls, and slowly the Temple and the bathrooms began taking shape. With the buildings built, the new Temple was inaugurated on December 18th, 2004, in a Session directed by Mestre Arivelton Cosme da Silva, then Central Mestre of the 15th Region. Since the inauguration, many good things have happened: we built a kitchen; Mestre Orival received the Representation once again; new brothers and sisters arrived to the União do Vegetal; others arrived to the Instructive Body, the Body of Counsel and the Cadre of Mestres, in this way strengthening our irmandade; families were formed and children arrived and continue arriving to the heart of our irmandade.
Elevation to Núcleo
An event of great importance took place in 2010, with the 6th Youth Meeting of the 15th Region in our Núcleo. One year later, during the 50th Anniversary of the União do Vegetal, we had the satisfaction of being elevated to a Núcleo on November 15th, 2011, during the Representation of Mestre Orival and with Mestre Claiton Neey da Silva in the Presidency. The choice of commemorating our Núcleo’s anniversary on June 5th is an homage by us to the memory of our friend and motivator, Mestre Cícero – an important person in the history of our Núcleo who was born 89 years ago, today, and who brought us a message of peace and love.
And the story continues…
In 2015, Mestre Claiton received the Representation and Mestre Márcio the Presidency. In this triennium (2018-2021), Mestre Claiton continues in the Representation, having Mestre Auzomiro José da Costa as the President.
And with so many good things, we just have reason to celebrate.
We are grateful to Mestre Edson Nogueira Cintra who, today at the age of 84, continues on this path of the Mestre, alongside his family, at Núcleo José Rodrigues Sobrinho (Seringueiras – RO, 15th Region) and to everyone, who along with him, began this work that we are seeking to give continuity to.
We are also grateful to the Representative Mestres and Presidents that carried out and carry out this role with love and care, and to the entire irmandade that contributes towards this growth.
May God bless us all with Light, Peace and Love!
*Maria Raimunda de Aguiar Marçal and Josiane Maria de Aguiar Marçal are founding associates and members of the Body of Counsel of Núcleo Mestre Cícero (Presidente Médici, RO, 15th Region).
** rank driven cylinder in which ropes are rolled up to lift large weights.
Translation Coordinator: Isabel Cavalcante, member of the Body of Counsel of Núcleo Jardim Florescendo (Gainesville, FL – USA) | Translated by Jonathan Spoliansky, member of the Cadre of Mestres of Núcleo Jardim Florescendo (Gainesville, FL – USA) | Revised by: Martin Brendecke, member of the Instructive Body of Núcleo Claridade Divina (Seattle, WA – USA)