Nucleo Samauma presents the Youth Gathering of the 3rd Region

João Marcelo Cassis Mathor*

| 25 de julho, 2018

O encerramento da atividade lúdica com a apresentação do grupo do Maracatu | Foto: DMC Núcleo Samaúma

Between May 31st and July 3rd, the 8th youth gathering of Nucleo Samauma (Aracariguama-SP) occurred, that had the presence of more than 170 young people of the Nucleos of the 3rd region of the Beneficent Spiritist Center Uniao do Vegetal. The participants were between the ages of 12 and 25 (18 or older participated as auxiliaries) and were of different cultures and social classes. This created an environment that was diverse and inclusive, contributing to a collective learning. The gathering counted with the presence of some authorities of the UDV, including the General Representative Mestre, Paulo Afonso Amato Conde, accompanied by his wife, Conselheira Leia Maria Dantonino Alves Conde.

The intention of the Youth Gathering of the 3rd region was to allow the young people a moment of reflection and learning, encouraging the interaction between people of different places in an environment that was healthy, cultural and playful. This helps to add in their lives more consciousness of themselves and of their practices, generating an opportunity of higher human development.

Leader Development

Palestra a respeito de Criatividade | DMC/Núcleo Samaúma

The organizing of the event was done by the own youth, under the supervision of adults teams integrated to the direction of the Nucleo, whom when young had also participated in gatherings like this one.  In addition, leader development was a focus of the gathering, which follows through with the work being done by the department of Spiritual Orientation for Children and Young People.

The Universe in You

Yoga ao ar livre | DMC/Núcleo Samaúma

and orientation of the General Representation of the UDV. Each Youth Gathering, an Organizing Commission chooses a theme to be presented and this year it was “The Universe inside of You”, that had the objective of working on self-knowledge and developing the youth’s potential.

The activities were developed in conjunction with the privileged nature of the region where Nucleo Samauma is located. It consisted of sports, gymnastics, shows, themed dinners and lectures. The subjects were related to consciousness of youth, highlighting the development of human beings, the responsibility each one has towards society and the importance of collective action that aims at sustainability; this all occurred with calm and cool communication, utilizing techniques of theater, music, art and group dynamics.

They were intense days of joy and relaxation for all the participants, at the same time relevant topics about development were touched upon, having them reflect about their place in society, in nature and in the universe. This brought them into contact with the vast universe to be unveiled inside each one of us.

Below some of the pictures, that present the spirit of joy and friendship of this valuable gathering:

* João Marcelo Cassis is member of the Body of Counsel of  and monitor of the Department of Memory and Communication (DMC) of the Núcleo Samaúma (Araçariguama- SP)