Mestre Roberto Evangelista tells his story

Mestre Roberto Evangelista is one of the pioneers of the União do Vegetal in Manaus (AM). The UDV arrived in the state of Amazonas in 1968, by way of Mestre Cruzeiro (who later became known as Mestre Florência), who received authorization from Mestre Gabriel to begin the religion’s works in Manaus. Roberto Evangelista arrived shortly thereafter, in 1970, and had the opportunity to meet Mestre Gabriel and participate in the Sessions that he directed in that city.

In this video of the Mestres of Origin series, Roberto Evangelista tells how his first encounter with Mestre Gabriel was, and also tells some of his own story until arriving in the UDV. It’s been more than 40 years since he first drank the Vegetal and up to now he continues “striving to follow on the Mestre’s path”, as he says. He also addresses the growth of the UDV in Brazil from the point of view of one who witnessed this expansion since the beginning.

Mestre Roberto Evangelista became part of the Council of the Recordation of the Teachings of Mestre Gabriel and, presently, occupies the function of General Assistant Mestre, one of the highest places in the hierarchy of the União do Vegetal, directly assisting the General Representative Mestre, Clovis Cavalieri Rodrigues de Carvalho.

Videos Mestres of the Origin

A series of videos, Mestres of the Origin bring histories and interviews by the pioneers of the União do Vegetal. View the videos that have been published:

Mestre Pequenina

Mestre Francisco Herculano

Mestre Jair Gabriel

Mestre José Luiz

Mestre Monteiro

Mestre Braga

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